
A small color pallette has been added to mesh to keep things quick, but it's totally customisable. Manipulate the element color and background color quickly.


Every website's colors are different, there's no doubt in that. Which is why we highly recommend you use the mesh builder to change the default colors in order to create a custom css file.
Color and background color are able to be manipulated inline with the color utility classes.


  • You can target the color class by using c-{color}.
  • The background class can be targeted by using bg-{color}.

Background Colors

Here you can see the default mesh background colors:

Class Background Color Hex
.bg-link #3763d4


Here you can see the default mesh text colors:

Class Color Hex
.c-black Black #000000
.c-dark Dark #e8e8e8
.c-muted Muted #999999
.c-light Light #e8e8e8
.c-primary Primary #ff2451
.c-secondary Secondary #8270b8
.c-success Success #55b559
.c-info Info #37abd4
.c-warning Warning #ff9e0f
.c-danger Danger #f55145
.c-link #3763d4


Change the color classes and attributes with the variables below.

Variable Value Description
$palette: (
    white: #ffffff,
    black: #000000,
    dark: #363636,
    muted: #999999,
    light: #e8e8e8,
    primary: #ff2451,
    secondary: #8270b8,
    success: #55b559,
    info: #37abd4,
    warning: #ff9e0f,
    danger: #f55145,
    link: #3763d4
Map(name:color) This map defines the main color pallete used with mesh. Its a great place to define colors for your web build. The name corresponds to the html class name and the color defines the hex or rgba value.
Note: Changing/deleting white, black or primary will throw an error, so its best to define them yourself. Please also bear in mind each color can add a fair chunk of kb to mesh.
$color-attr: (
    c: 'color',
    bg: 'background-color'
Map(class:attribute) The class of the color-attr map corresponds to the css attribute, you can add and delete as you please. Other common properties include fill and stroke.