
We realise everything can't be done in CSS & somethings are best done with JavaScript. Which is why we have included a simple JS script to get you going.

How we notate

We have tried to make things extremley simple for you when it comes to class names and notation. Most of the utilities you will encounter starts with the letter of the utility p for position for example, followed by a dash - then preceeded by the property. Here is a taster, but please see the indiviudal page on the left for more details.

  • Columns - col-12 col-mob-6 col-tab-4 col-desk-3 col-hd-1
  • Order - order-6
  • Display - d-none d-desk-flex
  • Spacing - my-0 mt-tab-4 py-0 py-desk-5
  • Position - p-relative p-desk-absolute
  • Sizing - w-40 w-desk-100
  • Colors - c-primary bg-primary
  • Float - f-right
